Hello, my portfolio was working just fine. However, today I added a few new categories and one item, and now it is not working as it should.
I’m using the Portfolio Grid module in two different tabs. In each tab, I have selected different portfolio categories to display. However, if I have more than one category selected it doesn’t work.
I hope I can get some help. Thank you in advance.
Hey albertgarduno,
Thank you for the inquiry.
When we disabled the WPML plugin and enabled it back, suddenly the portfolio items displayed properly. We are not really sure what happened. We also installed the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin and set jQuery to the legacy version, which might have helped with issue. Please remove the browser cache or do a hard refresh before checking the page.
Best regards,
Hi Ismael,
Weird… but ok. It looks to be working fine now :) This week I will be working on it. If I have further issues, I will contact you back.
Thank you very much!