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  • #755303

    I have encountered a problem I have a website where we are adding a number of portfolio items on the website we have re-sorted the order of the portolio items based on the title of each and this is now correct however this has not updated in the side tabs for mobile.

    See the left side tab shows as “Anna Bianchi White Tulips” and the right tab shows as “Jill Barthorpe Gaudy Jug With Tomato” yet the order listed in the portfolio items is showing in the back end as

    Left Anna Bianchi TreeLineIII
    Main Picture Anna Bianchi Whistledown Farm
    Right Anna Bianchi White Tulips

    It looks as though it uses the published date rather than the sort order can this be overcome ?


    Hey condonpb,

    what do you mean with sidetabs on mobile? I can’t see anything wrong on the link you’ve provided. Please make things clear for us by using screenshots (, dropbox).

    Best regards,


    This is difficult to articulate but the website used portfolio items . Each artist has a category defined and the portfolio shows summary page shows each artists collection see for the artist beatrice forshall collection.

    These artists images are amended/updated throughout the year. If now click onto the “bee eater image” it takes you to the larger image and shows costs and details etc see The order of the left and right scroll tabs seems to be random and not based on the artists collections please see screenshot. Can you please advise how we can get this in order.

    I hope the following screenshots helps


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by condonpb.

    Managed to find resoution using plugin re-order posts thanks




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