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  • #238084

    Hi there I could use some help on a couple of things.
    1) I am trying to get my fullwidth masonry portfolio to sort by title instead of date. I read the enfold documentation copied the php snippet went to appearance – editor – child theme – theme functions (functions php) and inserted the snippet so it looks like this.
    function custom_post_grid_query( $query, $params ) {
    $query[‘orderby’] = ‘title’;
    $query[‘order’] = ‘ASC’;
    return $query;
    add_filter( ‘avia_post_grid_query’, ‘custom_post_grid_query’, 10, 2);
    I saved, updated, cleared my cache and it is still sorting by date. Can you point out where I went wrong?

    2) I would like to stop the little yellow box from displaying on mouse hover over my portfolio images. I went to each image removed the image caption, title etc. so there was nothing left to display but that didn’t stop the yellow box. Now it is defaulting/displaying the title of the page where the image is pulled from. Is there something else I can do?


    Hi Kimberlyjo!

    1.) Please edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > masonry_entries.php, find this code on line 382:

    $sort_terms = get_terms( $this->atts['taxonomy'] , array('hide_empty'=>true) );

    Replace it with:

    $sort_terms = get_terms( $this->atts['taxonomy'] , array('hide_empty'=>true, 'orderby'       => 'name', 
        'order'         => 'ASC',) );


    2.) What do you mean by yellow box? Can you please give us a link to the website? A screenshot will help.



    Hi Ismael!
    Thanks on the portfolio sort. This will make all my portfolios sort by title right?

    I’ve attached a screen shot of the little yellow box I would like to stop



    Looks like I added the screenshot improperly. Maybe this will work…



    Edit js > avia.js, find this code at the very beginning:

            var aviabodyclasses = AviaBrowserDetection('html');

    Below, add this code:

    $('a.av-masonry-entry').attr('title', '');

    Remove browser cache then reload the page a few times.



    Hi Ismael!
    Thanks for the instructions. I was able to adjust the js file now the yellow info box doesn’t show on the images in my masonry gallery. Is there a way to eliminate that little yellow box from displaying on all images within my site?

    I edited the onfig-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > masonry_entries.php, as instructed but it doesn’t change the sort. I reset the cache and reloaded the page several times but it didn’t work. here is what the code looks like. Can you tell where I went wrong?

    $this->atts[‘categories’] = $this->atts[‘link’][1];
    $this->atts[‘categories’] = array();

    function sort_buttons()
    $sort_terms = get_terms( $this->atts[‘taxonomy’] , array(‘hide_empty’=>true, ‘orderby’ => ‘name’,
    ‘order’ => ‘ASC’,) );

    $current_page_terms = array();
    $term_count = array();
    $display_terms = is_array($this->atts[‘categories’]) ? $this->atts[‘categories’] : array_filter(explode(‘,’,$this->atts[‘categories’]));

    foreach ($this->loop as $entry)
    if($current_item_terms = get_the_terms( $entry[‘ID’],




    1) Try this code instead

    $('a, img').attr('title', '');

    2) Use this code and insert it at the very bottom of functions.php (parent or child theme):

    add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_random_image_query', 10, 2);
    function avia_random_image_query($query, $params)
            $query['orderby'] = "title";
            $query['order'] = 'ASC';
        return $query;



    Hi Peter,
    Ohhh. This is very stubborn. It continues to sort by date…. so okay.
    I added the code to my functions.php file in my child theme and it looks like this:
    /* add_filter(‘avia_masonry_entries_query’, ‘avia_random_image_query’, 10, 2);
    function avia_random_image_query($query, $params)
    $query[‘orderby’] = “title”;
    $query[‘order’] = ‘ASC’;

    return $query;

    and the masonry_entries.php code looks like this:
    $this->atts[‘categories’] = array();

    function sort_buttons()
    $sort_terms = get_terms( $this->atts[‘taxonomy’] , array(‘hide_empty’=>true, ‘orderby’ => ‘name’,
    ‘order’ => ‘ASC’,) );

    $current_page_terms = array();
    $term_count = array();
    $display_terms = is_array($this->atts[‘categories’]) ? $this->atts[‘categories’] : array_filter(explode(‘,’,$this->atts[‘categories’]));

    Can you tell where the problem is?




    Can you please post the whole code on I think there’s something wrong with it.



    Hi Ismael,

    I posted the whole code of my masonry_entries.php file here:
    and titled it “masonry for Ismael”
    just in case I also pasted my child theme functions.php here:
    and it is titled “child theme functions”


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Kimberlyjo. Reason: updated a link
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