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  • #1082843

    Hello all,
    So there are portfolio filters…. like for example, in my gallery, I may filter my paintings by- National Forest paintings, or Europe painitngs, or japan painitngs. (don’t have those yet ) . This I know, I can do. no problem.

    And there is sorting: like I want the user to be able to sort the portfolio grid by name or date or other parameters. Like I want the user to be able to sort the paintings according to if they are square or horizonal or vertical format. Something like here:
    is that possible to add that kind of functionality in my portfolio grid?

    thank you!!!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by c_srishti.

    Hey c_srishti,
    Sorry for the late reply, and I’m also sorry to say that this type of filtering is not available, it would require quite a lot of modifications. I can suggest this plugin: Beautiful taxonomy filters which seems like it would do what you are asking.
    Please give it a try, or perhaps a similar plugin.

    Best regards,

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