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  • #470116

    Dear Kriesi,

    How can I display the tags I have asigned to portfolio posts on my website?

    I would like to display tags on a portfolio post, so that they act as cross links to other related items.

    So, on a portfolio post for a sculpture I can display as buttons / links:
    sculpture (24), stone (8), outdoors (3) etc.

    Thanks, Richard


    Hi Richard!

    Your portfolio posts should already be displaying tags that they have been assigned to at the bottom of the post.

    You mean your wanting to display all tags? You could use the “Tag Cloud” widget in a sidebar or in the “Widget Area” element.



    Thanks Kriesi,

    Unfortunately the tags are not showing up at all on my portfolio posts. I’m including a link to an example.

    I have added the tag cloud in the right hand column via the widgets, and this looks good, but it shows all tags used in the site. I want to display just the tags I have assigned to the post.

    Thanks, Richard



    Your probably using the advanced layout builder for that post. If you want the regular tags to display then you’ll want to switch to the default editor.

    If you want to keep using the advanced layout builder there and display only tags assigned to the post then the code would look like this.

    echo '<span class="blog-tags minor-meta">';
    the_tags('<strong>'.__('Tags:','avia_framework').'</strong><span> ');
    echo '</span></span>';

    I suppose you could use a plugin to execute PHP in a text widget for that, https://wordpress.org/plugins/exec-php/.

    Or just type the tags out manually.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Elliott.

    Hi Elliott,
    I would like to display portfolio post tags as buttons (or labels) at the end of my portfolio post page.
    I am using the Advanced layout editor and tried to use the code block without success.

    Is there a way to add it in a code block or should I edit a php file from the template ? If yes which one. I use a theme child, does it make a difference ?

    Thank you for your help, Xavier



    Try adding it right above line 31 in the /enfold/single-portfolio.php file.

    <!--end content-->



    You mean adding this?

    echo ‘<span class=”blog-tags minor-meta”>’;
    the_tags(‘‘.__(‘Tags:’,’avia_framework’).’<span> ‘);
    echo ‘</span></span>’;

    I have tried this, but tags don’t show.
    See a link below for a portfolio item where I have added some tags

    Thanks, Richard



    Send us a WordPress login please.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Elliott.

    Hi Elliott,
    I Tried to add the code in the “single-portfolio.php” page but nothing appears.

    Thanks for your help,


    Thanks Kriesi, what email should I use for your login?


    Hi Richard,

    You can use any email, we just need the username and password :)

    Best regards,


    Hello guys,
    Can you help me please help me to do the same thing as richard or tell me what code to use in my portfolio pst ?

    Thanks for the help.


    Hi Xavier,

    Could you open a new thread for your problem please? Threads tend to get messy when we’re dealing with multiple users.

    Best regards,

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