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  • #416662

    I have 6 separate portfolios on site.
    I am using the masonry layout and would like to have the images appear in random order within each of the portfolios.
    So far so good.
    However when you select one of the images and click on it to enlarge and view singly , I find a glitch.
    The navigation arrows in this field do not simply navigate the viewer through this particular portfolio.
    Images from all the portfolios are pulled into the cycle.

    I can I set this to just include the images in the specific portfolio.

    Current Domain for site is:

    Thank you for your prompt reply to this matter.


    Hey freshview!

    It sounds like your wanting to set the post navigation for the portfolios to only the same category, is that correct? If so then you can set them to the same category by doing this,

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.
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