Hi there, Images (apart from the first) do not appear when a TEAM MEMBER is set in a PORTFOLIO item. I have tried updating/resetting/re-uploading but nothing works.
Please help as thi was flagged up last week.
You can view the issue hrer – http://www.northeastbarristers.com/barristers/
What do you mean by ” when a TEAM MEMBER is set in a PORTFOLIO item”?
If you want to understand it clearly. You can Import the dummy data then edit the Meet the team page. You will be able to see how it is done.
If you folloow the link you can see that the two empty team member images are not there. They are the same image that is used for the one that is there, so to me there is an obvious issue with the team member fgeature when used in conjunction with a portfolio item.
Did you create a portfolio item for each member? You need to upload an image for each portfolio items.
Try to regenerate the thumbnails http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/.
OK thanks, feel a bit stoopid now, doh…
Hey silviouk,
Glad it was a simple fix and Ismael could point you in the right direction :)