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  • #1311184

    i am working with the portfolio solution for reason to use the Ajax filter with categories.
    Basically if you click on one of the portfolio items a new page with content opens.

    I searching for a solution, that when i click on the portolio image in the overview i want that a lightbox gallery opens as overlay, where ic can use one or more images to slide. No new portolio page should be generated or opened.

    Is taht possible?


    Hey Sebastian,
    Please check the Additional Portfolio Settings in your portfolio item, you can overwite the portfolio link with a custom link:
    If you add a direct link to an image it will open in a lightbox, if you have enabled the lightbox option in the theme settings: Enfold Theme Options > Lightbox Modal Window

    Best regards,


    LOL, damn, i was blind … thanks for the hint .. thats exactly what i want ..


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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