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  • #960518


    Portfolio items can’t be edited anymore: Avia shows an infinite wheel instead of the editor
    The website is shown as expected.
    Posts, pages and other areas can be edited.

    What should I do to fix this?


    Hey ictsnor,
    You have two serious errors:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 () /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:1 
    VM3437:397 Uncaught TypeError: a[b].target.className.indexOf is not a function
        at bu.u.ti (eval at xhr.onreadystatechange (post.php?post=782&action=edit:318), <anonymous>:397:321)
    u.ti @ wp-seo-post-scraper-751.min.js?ver=7.5.1:25

    But I can’t investigate further because many features are hidden.
    You could try Try disabling your plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.
    Otherwise please grant full admin access.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I already tried deactivating all the plugins. That didn’t solve the issue.

    I raised the access level of the credentials I provided.


    Bart VG


    I found that editing a page also resulted the error:

    Uncaught TypeError: a[b].target.className.indexOf is not a function

    even though you can use the editor, and deactivating Yoast solves.

    But the page doesn’t have the 400 Bad Request Error on admin-ajax like the portfolio items, one thing I note is that you can’t save Quick CSS or Theme setting.

    Do you recall trying to protect the wordpress admin with any code in the .htaccess?
    I will keep investigating the admin-ajax error.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    In what circumstances do you get the editor working? I can’t make it work here. Tried it on Win7 and Win10, on Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

    I have placed .htaccess and a backup .htaccess.180221015745.orig in Private Content below.

    I have tried different versions of .htaccess, without any effect.

    I do remember this issue occurred more than a year ago as well. It disappeared after a theme update.
    I have some practical knowledge about WordPress, but I didn’t build the site from scratch. It was created by a web designer before I started working here.


    Bart VG



    Thanks for the info. Where did you host the site? Please ask your hosting provider if the admin-ajax.php is black listed by the mod_security rule. There are previous threads with exactly the same issue where the mod_sec rule blocks certain resources, in this case the admin-ajax.php file, when it exceeds the requests limit.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    the site is hosted at , a Dutch hosting company.

    I’ll ask about the admin-ajax.php right away.


    Hi Ismael,

    they claim they don’t block any file. Is it something I might have done myself by trying to add some extra security settings?


    Bart VG



    Yea that is possible.
    You can always try revert those edits.

    Best regards,



    I have found the issue.
    My colleague changed the PHP version in DirectAdmin to PHP 7.2
    I changed it back to PHP 5.5

    Now I can edit the portfolio items again. The editor is shown as normal.

    I remember asking him to change the PHP version, but only after trying to roll it back…
    But I was wondering: is this a security issue that our site runs on PHP 5.5?


    PHP has new features in version 7, and WordPress core is starting to use them and have told plugin developers to start making the change. For now WordPress recommends a minimum of v5.6, but eventually everyone should move to v7
    I believe I recall there was a issue with v7.2 but can’t find it now. I recommend trying v7.0.x or at least v5.6

    Best regards,

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