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  • #487490

    You may visit the page here..

    I want to portfolio images to display on mobile devices with no description (initially) displayed, but if one of the portfolio images is then tapped by a visitor, I would then like the description to appear. And if that description is then tapped, I want it to display its content.

    Presently, the problem I’m having is that on mobile devices the text description covers all or part of the image.
    While on a desktop the description appears over the image on hover.
    As hover behaviors are skipped on mobile devices I need a way to allow visitors on handhelds to view the image first, then the description, and then link to the portfolio content.

    Here’s what it looks like on my iPad when the page first loads – note the portfolio images are concealed behind the descriptive text.
    What we see on mobile device after a page load

    While here’s an 8 sec animation of what you get on a desktop display..

    Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you.


    Hey mendocinotim!

    That is going to take a lot of time and code to implement and would have to be considered custom work for now. It’s a good idea though so consider creating a feature request here, https://kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/, and if it gets enough interest we may see something get added in a future update.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Elliott.
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