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  • #1406982


    I haven’t posted here in ages (various accounts due to various websites) since the (roundabout) 20 websites I created and maintain based on the best theme ever, Enfold, never caused issues I couldn’t solve myself. Or by browsing this forum. But now I am in need of support please:

    Just a few days ago I started a new fun project for myself, using Enfold 5.5 at first. Everything went smooth and well like all the times. After the update to 5.6 however, the content of the portfolio items simply doesn’t show up anymore. The header and socket are showing, but none of the avia elements are visible anymore. This happened with the update to 5.6, updating to 5.6.1 did not solve the issue.

    All of my other websites do not show that behavior, although they run in the same server environment.

    In addition, the Yoast SEO plugin causes a critical error (content at the end) when I try to edit a portfolio item. But ONLY portfolio items, it doesn’t happen on pages or posts. Deactivating the plugin helps, no critical error on editing a portfolio. However, with a deactivated Yoast the portfilio content still doesn’t show. Never had that kind of issue with Yoast and Enfold before!

    I left Yoast deactivated and tried the following steps to narrow down the issue:

      checked everything on different browsers with empty caches
      deactivated all plugins
      disabled all file compression
      removed all manual changes or additions I made, like additional CSS or minor additions in functions.php
      triple checked .htaccess and wp-config
      changed the php-version to lower versions>
      I reverted to Enfold 5.5 and the content was visible again!

    After reverting I updated back to 5.6 and now 5.6.1., same issues like described above, again.

    All plugins I use are their latest version, Enfold is now 5.6.1, WordPress 6.2, PHP is 8.2.4., no child theme.

    I suppose you guys may want to look into the website, so I put access information into the private content already. No extra staging site needed, as this actually is a staging site.

    I would really like to know what’s happening here, so thank you very much for your support in adavance!

    Best regards

    Here is the content of the last critical error mail:

    Wenn du Hilfe bei diesem Problem suchst, wirst du möglicherweise nach einigen der folgenden Informationen gefragt:
    WordPress-Version 6.2
    Aktives Theme: Enfold (Version 5.6.1)
    Aktuelles Plugin:  (Version )
    PHP-Version 8.2.4
    Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 701 der Datei /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-helpers/class-avia-masonry.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function apply_filter() in /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-helpers/class-avia-masonry.php:701
    Stack trace:
    #0 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_gallery/masonry_gallery.php(785): avia_masonry->html()
    #1 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-shortcode-template.php(1181): avia_sc_masonry_gallery->shortcode_handler()
    #2 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(355): aviaShortcodeTemplate->shortcode_handler_prepare()
    #3 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag()
    #4 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(227): preg_replace_callback()
    #5 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): do_shortcode()
    #6 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #7 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/src/builders/indexable-link-builder.php(115): apply_filters()
    #8 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/src/integrations/watchers/indexable-post-watcher.php(207): Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Link_Builder->build()
    #9 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Watchers\Indexable_Post_Watcher->build_indexable()
    #10 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #11 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
    #12 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-includes/post.php(4726): do_action()
    #13 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-includes/post.php(4817): wp_insert_post()
    #14 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-admin/includes/post.php(439): wp_update_post()
    #15 /mnt/web203/e2/03/56733103/htdocs/domain/wp-admin/post.php(227): edit_post()
    #16 {main}
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Ringknipser. Reason: formatting

    Hey Ringknipser,

    Really sorry for that and thank you for reporting it.

    There is a typo error in file ../enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-helpers/class-avia-masonry.php: line 701:

    Please replace

    $copyright_text = apply_filter( 'avf_alb_masonry_copyright_text', esc_html( $copyright_text ), $copyright_text, $attachment, $entry, $this->config );


    $copyright_text = apply_filters( 'avf_alb_masonry_copyright_text', esc_html( $copyright_text ), $copyright_text, $attachment, $entry, $this->config );

    If you need help please let us know and give us WP admin access to your site (it is password protected) and activate theme editor so we can edit the file for you.

    It will be fixed in 5.6.2. I asked Kriesi for a hotfix release.

    Best regards,


    Hey Günter,

    thanks a lot for your super fast response!

    Unfortunately the replacement didn’t fix any of the two issues, they are still existing.

    In my initial post I already posted a login-page and Admin access infos in the private content. Editing the files from backend is enabled now.

    Thanks for looking into it again and best regards



    Thank you for giving us access.

    I added a new Portfolio “Test Enfold” with ALB and do not see any errors. And I also can see your portfolio “…Barbarossa” in frontend and it looks OK as far as I see.

    Could it be that your hoster has a cache enabled that blocked the change you made ?

    Do you get any more error messages?

    If you still see problems, please give us step by step how to reproduce it and where to look for it.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Best regards,



    I habe no idea what happened, but now that I checked again everything is fine again! Maybe it was really some kind of caching issue after I made the fix.

    Either way, I am very happy, thanks again very much for that instant support, really appreciated!

    I think you can mark that thread as solved/closed.

    Thanks and best regards



    Great! Happy to know that the issue has been resolved. Please feel free to open another thread if you have more questions about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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