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  • #1141189

    Hi team,

    I’m having issues with portfolio items on a few pages.

    the padding size is wrong on the Theodore Barcham portfolio item and I can’t seem to change it in CSS.
    Also, I have another portfolio item tagged for this page but it wont show. They’re all tagged contaminated soil remediation.

    On this page, I should have 5 more videos showing which were tagged as Dimantling video but won’t show up.


    Hi guys,
    Just an update… I figured out how to fix the padding on the portfolio item on the Contaminated Soil Remediation



    Thank you for the update

    2.) There are only 4 videos connected to the “Dismantling Videos” category and all of them are displaying properly in the page. Is this fixed? (see private field)

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for your response.

    I need the port kembla items tagged Dismantling Video to show on the Dismantling & Asset Recovery page. Only one of 4 port kembla items is showing.



    Thank you for the update.

    The items in the portfolio grid will automatically display in the order they were published, but it can be adjusted manually in the “Order by” and “Display Order” settings of the portfolio grid element. However, if you want to manually sort the order of the items, the portfolio post type has to support “page-attributes”. Use this snippet to enable the “page-attributes” for the portfolio post type.

    /* Change portfolio post type settings */
    add_filter('avf_portfolio_cpt_args', 'avf_portfolio_cpt_args_mod');
    function avf_portfolio_cpt_args_mod($args) {
    	$args['supports'][] = 'page-attributes';
    	return $args;

    You can then manually set the value of the “Order” attribute of the portfolio items that have to be displayed first. Don’t forget to set the “Order by” settings of the portfolio grid element to “Page Order”.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I don’t have a problem with the order. The problem is that they’re not showing on the page at all.


    first: where does that rule come from? ( child quick css line 5 and 408)

    #top .grid-sort-container .media-library_sort {
        display: none;

    get rid of that rule and you will see 9 videos and 4 Elements on the other page


    Can someone help me with this? It’s unresolved.

    I also have the same issue on another page. I have four items tagged “asbestos remediation” and only three will show on this page:

    This page has a portfolio grid with “asbestos remediation” tagged items to show.

    I’d appreciate some help with this.



    Thank you for the update.

    Looks like it’s the same issue as @Guenni007 pointed out above. You have this css rule in the Quick CSS field, which hides some of the portfolio items.

    #top .grid-sort-container .media-library_sort {
    	display: none;

    Please remove it, then toggle the Performance > File Compression settings.

    Best regards,


    Hey guys,

    Thanks for your help. Much appreciated. Now all my tags are showing :)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Lara.


    Awesome! Glad that we could help. Please don’t hesitate to open a new thread if you need anything else.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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