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  • #1217678

    Hi there,

    my client wants to show specific portfolio items at the top of the list of the Porftolio Grid. They shall always stay at the top, while the following items can be sorted inverse chronological. That is basically how the “sticky” / stay on top function for regular wp posts operates.

    Is there any way to do that?

    I tried to go for the manual way and set the sort order of the grid to Seitenreihenfolge (should be page order / menu order). I guessed, this should be the same like entering a sort value for every item (like it works for pages). But I dont find any equivalent field for portfolio items. So what does this sorting mechanism actually refer to?

    Thank you for your advice.


    Hey h-i-m,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can add 2 portfolio grid elements in the page — first one will display the sticky portfolio item and the other one will show the rest of the portfolio items. Unfortunately, you can’t set a portfolio grid item as sticky by default.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your answer, Ismael.

    Regarding my second question: Can you tell me what this function actually does (setting the sort order to Seitenreihenfolge / page order)?



    The portfolio items don’t support the Page Order attribute by default. Did you enable it? You can set the orderby parameter to menu_order to sort the items based on the value of the Page Order field, but it’s not going to work on the portfolio element because it doesn’t support the field by default.

    Best regards,

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