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  • #476395


    is it possible to have the sort options of the portfolio grid vertical (under each other)? And not above but next to the portfolio grid.

    If it’s possible next to the content area? So that the images fill out the content area.

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    Regards Simon


    Hey simonac!

    If you place them on the left side then they may be hidden on certain screen sizes. You can do so with this CSS though.

    #js_sort_items a {
      float: none !important;
    #js_sort_items {
      left: -140px;
      position: absolute;
      top: -10px;
      z-index: 999;
    .sort_width_container, #js_sort_items {
      overflow: visible !important;



    Hi Elliot,

    thanks! You are right. For mobile it’s not a good option.


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