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  • #425188

    Meant to show 6 entries across:

    6th is shifted to second row, you actually see it fly away from where it’s meant to be, lol!

    Click any filter link to sort, and then click ‘all’ again. Now all six fit. Now with borders.

    I don’t care for borders or no borders, but I’d sure like 6 across as entered into the components config. Possible?


    Hi fusion01 ;
    I see 6 columns till 990px screen size and under 990px it turns to 3 columns.
    here in image :



    This is how i see your page –
    Can you please post a screenshot?

    thanks for your input :)

    Best regards,


    Seems to not exhibit this behaviour at all in Chrome, only Firefox – in my case latest version, 37.0.1.

    Upon page load (note 5 across):

    After selecting a filter and then reverting again to the ‘all’ filter link:


    Hi fusion01 ;
    On Mac OS X 10.6.8
    # I see 6 columns in Chrome 41.0.2272
    # I see 6 columns in Safari 5.1.10
    # I see 6 columns in Firefox 29.0.1 when the size is bigger then 990px but it doesn’t scale fast thus it seems as if there were five columns, if you scale your screen slowly you can see it.


    It’s a sizing issue on FF, if not Mac then certainly PC. Affects the browser window when testing on both 22″ and 19″ monitors, viewport at full screen. The logic isn’t being correctly understood by the browser. The 6th appears top-right as an outline, then that outline animates to a new second row.


    Same with Firefox on the home page. Client asking why only 5 on a row, need a fix soonest.

    EDIT: So I tried with 5 cols and 5 items and all now fits nicely on a row within Firefox, so ignore my home page reference above.

    Seems then when one wants 6 across the issue occurs…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by fusion01.


    I see what you mean. It doesn’t seem to be happening on our demo though,

    Let’s try the following.

    1. Deactivate all plugins.

    2. Completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.

    It probably has something to do with some CSS customization your doing though I could not find it. Try creating a child theme and test your changes out there to see what happens.

    Best regards,


    Funny oyu should suggest deleting the entire install, I don’t think this accurate advice. Why can one not simply switch to the parent theme? That was completely unaltered.

    Anyway, I did that, bypassing entirely the child theme and all styles. No difference.
    I disabled all plug-ins (harmless ones): Duplicate Post., Post Types Order, W3 Total Cache – no difference.

    Since it occurs only on Firefox it seems a bug in the theme. But hey what do I know, Enfold is probably devoid of all bugs!



    I can’t seem to reproduce the issue no matter what filter I click before the “All” filter. What is the screen resolution of your monitor? Maybe this will fix it:

    #top .no_margin.av_one_sixth {
      width: 16.6555555555%;

    If it doesn’t work, try this:

    #top .no_margin.av_one_sixth {
      width: 16.6444444444%;



    Ismael, thanks. It occured on BOTH 19″ and 21″ monitors, 1440px and 1920px. It also occured on my client’s screen – no idea what res. Do you not have Firefox on the PC platform? If so, you should have been able to replicate easily.

    So either of these values above worked, and have fixed the issue. Thank you.

    What is odd is there is no frame when the page first loads, then after selecting a filter and then ‘all’ once again the images have frames / frame borders and don’t resize as they once were, but this is a small cosmetic detail I’m not concerned with.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by fusion01.


    Glad it is fixed. Some browsers deal with width values containing decimal places differently. That’s why it is doesn’t render properly on firefox. If you want to apply the fix specifically to Firefox browsers, use this:

    .avia-mozilla #top .no_margin.av_one_sixth {
      width: 16.6555555555%;

    or this:

    .avia-mozilla #top .no_margin.av_one_sixth {
      width: 16.6444444444%;



    Thanks, this is great and appreciated Ismael

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