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  • #1261599


    i use the portfolio grid. In the enhnaced settings i have change the hover color.
    Now, i want to display on this hover e.h. the title or the smaler text klike “click to oben”

    BUt both text are below the image and visible on non hover view, how can i make them visible only on hover?


    Hey Sebastian,

    Can you give us a link to the page mentioned? maybe we can adjust it via CSS.

    Best regards,


    I found a solution after two days :) This can be adjust in the enhanced settings and CSS. Was little tricky but fine for me.

    Thanks, Ticket can be closed / Deleted


    Hi xeovision,

    Great :)

    We are closing the thread.

    If you need further assistance please let us know in a new one.

    Best regards,

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