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  • #162817

    May i know how do i set spacing between the individual featured image for portfolio grid? Would like to have some spacing(width and height) between the portfolios.

    much appreciated. Thanks.


    is it also possible to include a farme/outline for every individual portfolio item featured in the portfolio grid?



    How many columns do you use in portfolio grid? And can you post the link to your website?



    I am currently having a 4 column portfolio grid. Would like to know if its possible to have more columns in the portfolio grid as well. Thanks



    You can add another column on the grid. Edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > portfolio.php, find this code:

    "subtype" => array(	/* __('1 Column',  'avia_framework' )=>'1', */
    												__('2 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'2',
    												__('3 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'3',
    												__('4 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'4',
    												/* __('5 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'5', */

    Replace it with:

    "subtype" => array(	/* __('1 Column',  'avia_framework' )=>'1', */
    												__('2 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'2',
    												__('3 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'3',
    												__('4 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'4',
    												 __('5 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'5',

    You can now select 5 columns.



    noted. How then am i able to increase the spacing (width and height) between the individual portfolios in the grid? and also is there a way to create an outline for each of the portfolio shown in the grid?



    You can use something like this:

    #top .grid-entry {
    padding: 10px !important;

    Which will force a bit of padding around the grid-entry class selector which is used on all grid items. The outline should already be in place from the slight drop shadow.


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