I tried the following change to have a better aspect ration such as 800×600 across all portfolio items:
$avia_config['imgSize']['gallery'] = array('width'=>710, 'height'=>533 ); // images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)
$avia_config['imgSize']['gallery'] = array('width'=>845, 'height'=>634 ); // images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)
However, the result is still not showing it properly at that exact ratio.
The bottom or the sides always get cropped.
Any idea?
The first link isn’t working for me so I can’t see which exact page layout that is but the image is probably coming from one of the other image sizes since the portfolio items are only for the portfolio specific outputs and not what you may have on the single portfolio page. So its probably the gallery image size (845×684) or something like that. If you can re-add the link for us to see it live we can get a better idea of which image output you have in place and what thumb size its pulling from.