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  • #773320

    I’ve made a portfolio, I would like the excerpt doesn’t appear (jean l’herminier on my page), but it must still because the excerpt is used in the search for example.

    Is it possible ?

    Thanks for your help


    Hey sandra1307,

    You want to hide portfolio excerpts on the front-end, but still be searchable? Please send me a screenshot of the excerpt so I can understand what you mean.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    In my page Jean l’herminier there is an excerpt

    In my first link (portfolio), the excerpt appears, I would like it’s not
    In my second link (search on jean l’herminier), the excerpt appears, it’s ok for m

    is it possible to add a code to portfolio for excerpt not appears ?



    Try adding this to quick css:

    .postid-22424 .grid-content .grid-entry-excerpt.entry-content{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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