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  • #1366290

    I have a site that has worked for years perfectly fine and then recently – last 6 months – with no changes and no new plugins installed – I have been having problems with portfolio items leading to 404 file not found error. If I resave permalinks they work for a few minutes but then revert back to file not found/404 error.

    Site and user credentials in private content


    Hey connect4consulting,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The URL of the portfolio items contain a generic path called /site/, which might be in conflict with other URLs. Have you tried replacing the value of the Settings > Permalink > Portfolio Items Base field with a different path? You should also try and disable the cache and security plugins temporarily.

    The portfolio items are displaying now because we resaved the permalinks. Unfortunately, we are not yet sure why the issue occurs.

    Best regards,

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