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  • #458804

    On the portfolio page I have not yet done case studies for each portfolio item. This leads me to two questions:

    1. Is there a way I can disable click through of the individual portfolio page and have it only lightbox, until i have written and compiled my portfolio?

    2. Am I able to edit the individual portfolio entries on the portfolio page itself? What I am trying to do is add custom text that will say: Case Study. Also, for the portfolio items that are already created I want people to be able to click through and see completed case studies only.


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Vincent.

    Hi Vincent!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) Yes, this can be done using css or edit the portfolio grid element then set the Link Handling option to open a lighbox.

    2.) It’s possible to add a custom link for each portfolio items. Edit the portfolio item then look for the Overwrite Portfolio Link setting option. Set it to define custom link. Regarding the custom text, maybe you can add it as portfolio item excerpt? The portfolio grid can display the following elements of the portfolio item: featured image, title and excerpt.



    Hi Ismael,

    I think my fault for not being clear. :) – okay – I’ll explain in more detail:

    1. On individual portfolio items in the main grid (see link below) – I have not set up each individual page yet – so I do not want a visitor to click through to the individual portfolio item until I am ready to upload the content of the portfolio item. In the meantime if they click it should be a lightbox only.

    2. On the Portfolio grid there is a link below the portfolio image – I would like to customise this link text to say soomething else for example: John Doe Carpets Case Study?





    Alright. We can reverse my answer above.

    1.) Use the Overwrite Portfolio Link setting then set it to define custom link. For completed entries, you can set the url to the actual link of the single portfolio page and for those items that are not completed yet, add the url of the image. It will open the image in lightbox.

    2.) Can’t you just add it directly in the portfolio title? If you really want to modify the title, you can edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > portfolio.php or use this filter: avf_portfolio_title


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