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  • #610957

    I’ve created a portfolio item with an external URL. I put that URL in the “Link portfolio item to external URL” box.

    I’m using the Portfolio grid to display that item as you can see on this page: I’ve got the Portfolio Grid set to “Open the entry on a new page” in the “Link Handling” section of the settings. However, when I click on the portfolio item on the page noted above, it does not open in a new page. It opens the link in the same page.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks for the help!


    Hi curtdonohue!

    We need to take a closer look at it please create a temporary user with ‘administrator’ role and share in private content with permission to deactivate all plugins and add custom code if necessary to help you resolve this issue.

    Best regards,


    See private info below.


    Please see private content



    We are working on your ticket please wait while we update the results here soon.

    Please review the site now we have added the following code in function.php

    /* External links */
    function external_links(){
    add_action('wp_footer', 'external_links');


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Vinay.

    Thank you! That works great! Is this feature something that can be added to a future update? It seems like this would be a common issue.

    I’m assuming the next time I have to update the theme, the changes you made will be erased. Is that correct?



    You can simply use a child theme and add the code to functions.php file of your child theme instead to avoid having it overwritten when you update the theme :)


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