Tagged: Portfolio Image sizes
I’m having an issue with the portfolio images.
The images I’m using are square, which is exactly what I want in my grid area: http://www.rsno.org.uk/musicians/
and when you click to view the AJAX Portfolio Preview, they’re still fine.
However, when you click through again and view the individual portfolio, the image is cropped to 800 x 321. And this often ends up chopping our musicians heads off, which is not good…
Is there a way to change the portfolio layout so that this doesn’t happen?
I have already tried altering the image size in entry_with_sidebar in functions.php to being 800 x 800 and regenerating thumbnails but the page layout and image remain unchanged, even when emptying cache and reloading the page.
Any ideas? Thanks, Cat
Thank you for using Enfold.
Install the Simple Image Sizes plugin and then go to the Settings > Media panel. Adjust the size of the “entry_with_sidebar” and “entry_without_sidebar” thumnails, update, save and then regenerate the thumbnails. Those thumbnails are used when you’re on the single portfolio page.
Best regards,