October 25, 2020 at 12:56 pm #1255491
I want to build a portfolio ajax, loadind the post like in the “Classic Single Entry” format. In this case, only I can use the “Add preview Text” (code) in the “Ajax Portfolio Preview Settings” from the side right column: In the same entry/post, if I edit some content in the normal edition area, like section color, text block, images, etc, then nothing happens.
I would like build a new page with the standar edition tools from the Avia Layout Builder (section color, text block, images, etc) and join it to a certain entry/post in the portfolio ajax, so I don’t use the “Add preview Text” (code) in the “Ajax Portfolio Preview Settings”. Is it possibe?
Thanks in advance!
JoanOctober 29, 2020 at 6:07 am #1256580Hey bcndisseny,
Thank you for the inquiry.
We are a bit confuse about the inquiry. Could you maybe explain a bit further? By default, you could only use the Add Preview Text editor to add the content to the preview sidebar but it is also possible to insert elements from the builder by using the Insert Theme Shortcode button in the Visual mode of the editor. It is the wand-like icon with the sky blue highlight. Hope that helps.
Best regards,
IsmaelOctober 29, 2020 at 9:20 am #1256638Thanks Ismael,
I try to explain better:
I want to build a portfolio, so it can be:
no ajax: I prefer don’t use one.
ajax: I choose this one: 4 column, ajax, like in the demo, so when I clic in a item (picture+subtitle), I get the item expanded with all the info (easy slider in 2/3 column + special headind, accordion, etc in 1/3 column + navigation (< > X).
for editing / buliding the content item expanded (3 columns), only I can paste code in the “Add preview Text” (code) in the “Ajax Portfolio Preview Settings” from the side right column: I can’t use the graphic tools. In the left side oh the editing area, where I can use the graphic tools of avia builder, If add or edit some elements, like color section, colums, images, slide, and save it, in this case, nothing happens: the code in the “Add preview Text” is prioritary.
I would like to use the graphic tools for editing content in the left edit area (avia builder), I don’t want using code: for this, only I see the alternative of using the “Portfolio Grig” > “Link” > “Open the entry in a new page” so without using the ajax.
Summary: How can I use the ajax portfolio, editing de items expanded content with the graphic avia buildere tools?
Thanks in advance and Health!
November 2, 2020 at 3:58 am #1257490Hi,
Thank you for the clarification.
You cannot use the Advance Layout Builder (ALB) for the portfolio preview by default, only the Insert Shortcode Wand as we mentioned previously. The shortcode wand contains the same builder elements or content as the ALB, but without the full width elements such as the color section or grid row.
Best regards,
IsmaelNovember 2, 2020 at 4:38 pm #1257643Thanks Ismael,
All clear. I choose the portfolio ajax, with the opening a page in the same window and in this case I will build a navigation system similar to the other ajax portfolio with the circle icons: < > X.
Have a good day!
JoanNovember 3, 2020 at 1:19 am #1257813Hi,
Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?
Best regards,
Jordan ShannonNovember 3, 2020 at 9:29 am #1257905Hi Jordan,
Close it please, all clear. Thanks for your support.
JoanNovember 3, 2020 at 9:38 pm #1258140Hi,
If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon -
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