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  • #1303530


    Any idea, how change this?

    Here i changed but not helps ..

    Thank you :)


    Hey EnvatoOvis,

    I’m guessing that what is shown in your screenshot is a page which has been created manually? If so, then you can simply edit the page in question, and change the permalink.

    If you need further help, then please try to explain the problem a bit further, and post admin WordPress login details in private.

    Best regards,



    i’s Breadcrumbs problems. Im just turned off Breadcrumbs and all fine

    Thank you



    Great! Let us know if you need further assistance :)

    Best regards,


    we like Breadcrumbs, but at this moment portfolio have problems

    Thank you,
    King regards



    “Portfolio” should be the name of your page. Please change it and that should change the breadcrumbs as well.

    If you would like us to look into it, please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately and let us know what page title you would like to use instead of “Portfolio” :)

    Best regards,


    Realized. Portfolio page found

    Thank you
    King Regards :)

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