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  • #392598

    I have a 1px gap between my portfolio grid on my iPhone 6 in landscape mode. Can you please let me know how to remove? Thanks!


    Hey djshortkut!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    I’m sorry but I can’t reproduce the issue on my phone. Try to apply a negative left margin to the portfolio grid items:

    #portfolio div .no_margin {
    margin-left: -3px;
    margin-top: 0;


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    What browser are you using? Is it the same on another browser than the one you are using? Are you on iPhone6 or 6plus?

    Best regards,


    I am using safari on my iPhone 6. It happens on any iPhone 6 in Safari. You can also see what I’m talking about if you resize your browser on that page. At a certain point the gap will show up.



    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 990px) {
    .grid-entry .inner-entry { margin-right: 0 !important; }}



    Thanks Yigit! You can close this thread.

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