The fourth section down (LayerSlider) on this homepage http://theimplantexperts.com/home-draft/ encourages users to watch a video. At the moment it links though to a separate page which has the video but the client wants the user to watch the video on the homepage. The video is hosted by Wistia, how do I go about setting this up?
Hey Rupert!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Is there any way you can transfer the video on youtube or vimeo? It will automatically open the link in a lightbox.
Thanks Ismael, do you have a guide as to how to set it up on vimeo?
We do not have such guide but i found following on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVjAWSh6oWw
Best regards,
Thanks Yigit, it wasn’t how I upload it to vimeo it was how I add it to the layerslider as a lightbox pop up when someone clicks the blue circle on the homepage?