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  • #494719


    Our website http://www.clevernetsystems.com features an Enfold child theme, and the Polylang plugin which allows us to have an English and a French version of the site. Our child theme has only style modifications in style.css; the file functions.php is empty.

    After upgrading to the latest version of Polylang, the main page is not translated in French; only the header and footer are. All the other pages are translated correctly. (This behavior won’t appear on the link above, I am currently testing this on a dev website.)

    I’ve verified that this behavior occurs by setting the Enfold theme or a child theme. With the standard Twenty Fifteen theme all translations work correctly. Disabling all other plugins doesn’t have any effect.

    Thanks in advance for your help.



    Hi clevernet,

    Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I created an account for you on our dev website.
    Polylang v1.6.5 is installed. The bug appears from v1.6.6 onward. Please check the homepage, then update the plugin to the latest version and see the difference in the homepage translations.
    Details are below.





    The login details are incorrect. Please check: http://www.clevernetsystems.com/wp-login.php

    If possible, please create a ticket on the polylang support center for further help.




    You are trying to login on the wrong server. The URL you mentioned is our production website; as I wrote in my previous post, the bug can be seen only on our development website. Please login to http://preprod.clevernetsystems.com/wp-login.php (you will have first to authenticate via HTTP Auth, see details in my previous post).

    I’ve opened a ticket (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/polylang-homepage-replaced-by-blog-in-v178) on the Polylang forum too, but since this issue only appears with Enfold child themes, there’s not much that can be done on the Polylang side.




    you are using an old version of WordPress, please upgrade and check again. We can’t support any 3rd party plugins and you would need to ask plugin’s author for a possible fix. We definitely recommend to use WPML instead, which is 100% compatible with Enfold and if you need help with Enfold+WPML we are happy to assist you here.




    I can confirm that the problem persists also after an upgrade to the latest version of WordPress.
    Additionally, the issue appears on themes which are child of Enfold. On an Enfold or a Twenty Fifteen theme, the plugin works fine. Therefore it’s Kriesi, not the plugin’s author, that should help us in solving this issue.
    What would be your rates for working for us to fix this problem?

    Best regards,




    feel free to hire a freelancer for this job here: http://kriesi.at/contact/customization



    We finally managed to solve this problem. We’re posting the solution here because it can be useful to other users. Still, it is disappointing that you weren’t able to provide us with a solution; it was literally two settings to change.

    In the child theme settings -> Frontpage Settings, do not choose any page but leave the dropdown menu on Select page. Then, in Settings -> Reading -> Front Page displays -> Static page -> Front page -> select the main page of the website.



    Glad you figured it out and sorry that you missed this post earlier – https://kriesi.at/support/topic/multilingual-site-2/#post-529886 :)




    Your post is useful but is from November 4th. We asked the question on this thread on August 28th (see above).

    Actually, we’ve been sending Kriesi support requests to access the Forum since March, but we never got a reply until recently, so we didn’t even have an account to post a question here.

    You can close this thread as “solved” if you want.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by clevernet.

    My client uses polylang with enfold too, we had to fiddle with the front page settings as well, but it works perfectly now!



    It seems like this is the only thread you have started – http://i.imgur.com/cjnxN9L.png

    Next time when you start a thread, please check your profile and make sure that it is there, if not, please feel free to start another one. We are always happy to help :)

    Marking this one as resolved. Have a nice day!


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