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  • #1417906

    I have I have created an audio player on the front page and uploaded an mp3 file to it, updated the page, but it is not visible on the website. what have i done wrong


    Hey Gagik,
    Is it this one called “pod”?

    Best regards,


    Hello. I don’t understand, why not show it with me?


    Hello. I don’t understand, why not show it with me?

    works with safari but not with chrome


    This is not the audio player on your frontpage that you added?
    In which section did you add the audio player to?
    I see this on Chrome.
    Perhaps try creating a test page with only the audio player so we will both know we are looking at the same one.

    Best regards,


    Yes, we are looking at the same page – frontpage.
    As said, it shows and works on safari and in my mobile. but not on my chrome. which is updated of course.

    I have cleared cookies and cash but it’s the same


    its working now. Thanks!


    haha, funny gone again


    I have checked on Windows in Chrome, Firefox, & Edge, and Android mobile Chrome and Mac in Safari, Chrome, Firefox
    It’s showing for me, as in my screenshot above. I’m not sure why you would not see it.

    Best regards,

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