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  • #325944

    Cannot make Codestyling Localizatiion for WooCommerce and even Enfold but it works great with Display Product.

    – wp-config.php has define('WPLANG', 'nb_NO'); which is Norwegian Bokmål
    – In Codestyling Localization: add language with nb_NO (very carefully checked that nb_NO is chosen)
    – Rescan, find strings and translate
    – Generate mo-file successfully (file timestamp also correct)

    In WooCommerce i can force translate and then WooCommerce is translated. Where is the translation saved? Could be the problem that wp does not read mo-file generated by Codestring Localization.

    I’m really stuck. No idea where to look. Please help!!!


    Manage language in Tools / General and WooCommerce / Systemstatus / Force Translation Upgrade to translate WooCommerce. Codestyling Localization DOES NOT USE mo-file generated in /wp-content/languages/plugins

    Solution might be a manual translate job with POEDIT and cannot use Codestyling Localization.

    Where can i change the path so Codestyling Localization uses /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages and not /wp-content/languages/plugins?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by ILikeMovies.

    Found the problem. WP and Codestyling Localization use different path to save mo-file.

    WP uses mo-file stored in /wp-content/languages/plugins BUT Codestyling Localization uses /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages.

    How can i change Codestyling Localization to use same path as wp (/wp-content/languages/plugins)?

    Please advice!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by ILikeMovies.


    Tbh I don’t know. Your best bet is to contact the plugin author ( ) because this question is not related to our theme/product. You can also use tools like Poedit: if the codestyling plugin doesn’t work for you.



    Codestyling works great but after translation the files must be copied to folder: /wp-content/languages/plugins because WP uses the files in this folder only.

    Let me ask in another way: How does WP know where mo-file of Enfold is stored? (lang/nb_NO.po)

    It must be some kind of parameter about the folder of language files some where. Please advice.



    Check /wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php, line 240:

    $lang = apply_filters('ava_theme_textdomain_path', get_template_directory()  . '/lang');

    Best regards,


    Here we have the answer.

    Making your Localization upgrade safe ↑ Back to Top
    If you keep your custom translations in woocommerce/i18n/languages (WooCommerce < 2.2+) they can be lost when upgrading. To make them upgrade safe, instead place them in wp-content/languages/woocommerce/. All translations will be automatically added to wp-content/languages/woocommerce/ with WooCommerce 2.2+.

    Note, once moved you cannot use Codestyling to edit your moved localizations – you need to move them back to make changes.

    Source link:


    Glad you found a solution and thanks for sharing it :)



    haaha ^_^ that ain’t no solution.. that’s a freakin’ disaster


    Loco Translate seems to handle it better dan Codestyling Localization (which is a terrible plugin whichever way you view it) don’t know yet if it’s update proof tho..


    If you notice, this thread is 2 years old, Codestyling was discontinued, we recommend Loco Translate now :)

    Best regards,

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