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  • #1256719

    I have created shortcode using Advanced Layout Editor and now I would like to insert this shortcode at the end of the content of my single post template. I tested inserting the following code into my functions.pho file (found here:, which works, but it places the shortcode above the content. How can I change this to place it after the content?

    add_action(‘ava_after_main_title’, ‘ava_after_main_title_mod’);
    function ava_after_main_title_mod() {
    if( is_singular(‘post’) ) {
    echo do_shortcode(“[av_slideshow size='no scaling' animation='slide' autoplay='false' interval='5' control_layout='av-control-default' custom_class=''][av_slide slide_type='image' id='328' video='' mobile_image='' video_ratio='' title='' link_apply='' link='lightbox' link_target=''][/av_slide][/av_slideshow]“);

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by williamslyd.

    Hey williamslyd,

    Trey a different action, maybe this one ava_after_content.

    Here are the docs for you:

    Best regards,

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