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  • #1402969

    I have a site I have been using since the early days of Enfold. It is big, over 2GB and most of this is down to images.

    WHY, when I upload an image that has been optimized by Shortpixel to 67KB does Enfold create another 14 variations totalling 3.887MB?

    This costs server space, and inodes space and leaves less room on any hosting platform.

    Please, after all this time, can you introduce a feature to overcome this in the user interface? I don’t want to have to mess around with config files, or PHP hacks etc. It should be in the options surely?

    Suggesting other plugins to manage this should not be necessary. Elementor does not do this, why does Enfold?


    Hey Cliffy,
    Thank you for your patience, currently the theme doesn’t include this option so you would need to use a function or a plugin, I have submitted your feature request to the Dev Team for their review. I will reply when I hear back from them.

    Best regards,

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