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  • #606816

    I would be most grateful for help on what is happening here and how to fix this. On the homepage, we have a section titled “Upcoming Conferences”. All the images of conference announcements are set to link to the appropriate conference page. They all work except for the 3rd one in the top row: “Integrated Medicine for Perfect Health”. That one goes to the Cart page (WooCommerce cart). I have checked the link code; it is correct. I have tried recreating and deleting the page it goes to and updating the link again. Nothing seems to work to fix this. Furthermore, the link actually works for me as the developer, but for all others accessing the website, it takes them to the Cart page instead of the correct conference page.

    Here is the link to the homepage:

    This is where the “Integrated Medicine for Perfect Health” link should go: (and it does go there from my development side, but not for all others accessing the site).

    I look forward to any help on this. Thank you very much.


    Hey globalayurvedaconferences!

    Thanks for getting in touch with us!

    Could you please provide login details to your site admin panel, so that we can have a closer look. You can place the information in the Private Content section of your reply.



    Thank you so much for your quick reply, Jordan. Looking forward to hearing from you once you find out more.


    Hello Jordan,

    I was wondering if you were able to take a look at our site regarding the link going to the wrong page? Oddly, I received several form submissions this morning, which would have only been possible if users were able to access the page. I though maybe you had found a problem and fixed it, but, when I tried to access the site from my phone, the link to the page was not working. I look forward to any help on this as soon as possible. Thank you so much.




    The link from your front page you are referring to links correctly on my end, I’m guessing you managed to get it fixed? If not then please try to clear your browser cache or test on a different browser and/or machine.



    Hello Rikard,

    Thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately, the problem is still there. I have tried clearing the cache on both my phone and another machine, and am still encountering the same problem. I wonder if it is a browser-specific problem? This is occurring on both Google Chrome and Apple Safari. What browser did you use to try the link?

    I really need to ensure that the links are accessible through both Chrome and Safari, since many of our users access the site through those two browsers. Any insight and help on fixing this is greatly appreciated. Thank you!




    I see your problem now, looks like it’s only behaving like that on mobile? Could you try disabling all plugin to see if one of them is causing a conflict please? Also clear the cache from your caching plugin. If that should not result in anything useful then please try to delete and recreate the element.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you for the suggestions… You were correct. Indeed, it is the WooCommerce Plugin that is causing a conflict. I disabled it, and the link works correctly. I then cleared the cache and reactivated the WooCommerce Plugin; immediately, the link stopped working again and routed me to the Cart page.

    As a temporary solution, I have disabled WooCommerce. I am concerned about this behavior. We need to be able to use WooCommerce for the ecommerce portion of the website.

    Do you know why this could be happening? And especially, why with only one link, and why that particular one? Do I need to contact WooCommerce about this problem?

    Thank you very much, Rikard. I really appreciate your help. I look forward to your reply.




    I’m not sure why it redirects to the cart page. Please remove the current page then replace it with this one:



    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks so much, but Rikard already helped me figure out that the WooCommerce plugin was causing this problem. I have resolved it now. I will go ahead and close this thread. Many thanks for the great support and help from all of you at



    Hi Sudha,

    Ok great, thanks for letting us know :-)


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