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  • #345207

    Dear support,

    I want to place a placeholder text in my contact form using the default contact form.
    The contact form will only consist of one input field, for a phone number.
    The form will be placed within the footer, so I copied the code from a normal page.

    I already saw a few answers about this option in contact form 7, but nothing about the default form.
    Also tried normal HTML input, but that didn’t seem to do the trick.

    I hope you can help.

    Best regards


    Hey Snizoo!

    Yes our default contact form can do that. Just create a new page and use the magic wand to customize and insert the contact form shortcode. You can then copy that shortcode and paste it into a text widget in one of your footer columns.

    Here is an example of what it would look like,

    [av_contact email='your email here' title='Send us mail' button='Submit' on_send='' sent='Your message has been sent!' link='manually,http://' subject='' autorespond='' captcha='' color='']
    [av_contact_field label='Phone Number:' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='element_two_third'][/av_contact_field]

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Elliott.

    Dear Elliott,

    Thanks for your response. This is indeed what the default contact form does. But this code doesn’t contain the option to place text within the input field instead of above the input field (placeholder text).

    I don’t see any option in the shortcodes aswell, since I already used the way you described.

    I hope my question is more clearly now.

    Best regards,



    I haven’t found a way to do this with the Enfold contact form, but it is something you can simply achieve with Contact 7.



    Unfortunately @sandieann is right here. The default contact form does not allow for placeholder text.

    You might want to try or instead.

    I would, though, invite you to vote for or post a feature request on our feature request page



    Thanks for the replay, I would love to see this feature in the near future.
    Will stick with Contact form 7 for now.

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