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  • #1094834


    I would like to make a media element ( Full width Easy slider ) where I can place inside the slider, both content elements, icon and icon liste.

    Is that somehow possible ?

    Have tried to work around it myself, but without any luck

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Edsbjerg.

    Hey Edsbjerg,
    The slider caption field doesn’t support element shortcodes, but you can try to create your elements using the “shortcode wand” in the Classic Editor
    Then try to display them in a new shortcode like this:

    function icon_sc( ){
    	return do_shortcode('[av_font_icon icon="ue889" font="entypo-fontello" size="20px"][/av_font_icon]');
    add_shortcode( 'icon_short_code', 'icon_sc' );

    This one displays an icon where the shortcode “[icon_short_code]”

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike
    Thanks for your solution, which I must be quit stupid too, since I don´t get it :-(
    When I make a new page with the classic editor and choose the magic wand i get this : My classic editor

    As you might can see I get the options content elements, Media elements and so on.
    Non of them allows me to create my own elements as far as I can see ?
    Not even the possibility to insert a code block is present.

    So after I have tried numerous ways to make as your description I have tossed the towel into the ring and given up !

    Will you please help me if possible ?

    Best regards
    Kim Larsen
    Odense, Denmark


    Sorry, I don’t think I was as clear as I should have been, when you create your shortcode within the wand, then replace the shortcode within the function above and add it to your functions.php
    then you can add this new shortcode to your slider
    Perhaps I could demonstrate better with an admin login and a test page?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike

    I have made acces to you here :
    And this page is ready for you to play around :

    Kind regards

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Mike. Reason: I have removed login from public view

    Thanks for the login, I gave a few things a try and unfortunately it didn’t work as I expected, but I was able to place the icon list over the slider with a negative margin-top css.

    .avia-icon-list-container {
    margin-top: -50vh!important;

    This css could be added to your Quick CSS, but I added it to a code block element so you could see it easier.
    Please take a look at the page and the elements and let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,

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