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  • #960499

    hi, great theme. I will appreciate your help…
    my google score is good, after I upgraded the theme files
    but my pingdom test is showing load time very high – 8 seconds… score is also not so good…
    can you please give me some advice how to lower the load time..



    Hey adishlomy,

    I checked your site on pingdom and it is showing an excellent score. Please check screenshot attached.

    These scores depend on a lot of factors. Hence I personally check the score a few times and take an average.

    Best regards,


    Hi, thanks. the score is good I know. but the client insist that the load time is high. he want it less then 3 s.. any idea who can I improve that?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by adishlomy.

    Hi adishlomy,

    Are you using caching plugins?

    Best regards,


    no. i host my site at bluehost – I think that maybe they have automate cahshing?
    any way, any plugin that you reccomand?


    I see now that I have
    Endurance Page Cache
    (from bluehost hosting)


    Hi adishlomy,

    Good. Here are some more ideas for you

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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