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  • #722624

    I want a picture in alternate content area. One picture full width. Is it possible?


    Hey soef!

    Can you please provide us some more informations for your request.
    It is not clear enough to be honest, on what you need to do.

    Thanks a lot



    in the Enfold menu ‘website styling’ there I can choose colors and fonts and so on. Also the possibilty to upload a background picture. I want a picture that is full width and not repating. How can i do that?

    i hope it is clear, englisch is not my native language.



    Can you please upload image to your alternate content and then post the link to your page where we can see the issue so we can provide you an accurate solution? :)

    Best regards,


    I uploaded a picture in my website. on the mainpage of my website. In private content.



    First of all please make sure that you are inserting your custom background image in full size and then choose to display it centered and with no repeat –
    If that too does not help, please create a temporary admin login and post it here privately

    Best regards,


    I did now, you can see it, Ithink the image is to0 small? it is 501×85

    edit: I removed the picture. bigger size didn’t make any difference.

    temp inlog in private

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by soef.


    don’t remove it, unti you/we have solved the issue for you. We need to be able to inspect the elements in question, otherwise we can’t help you. So again send us a precise link showing what you’re talking about.

    Best regards,


    Ok I did. On the left becaus of te text in the middle. (on my mobile it is behind the text) I want to have a full width picture behind the text.
    Please let me know how it works.



    use this code:

    .flex_column.av_one_half.flex_column_div.first.avia-builder-el-3.el_after_av_layout_row.el_before_av_one_half.avia-builder-el-first {
    background: url( no-repeat;

    Best regards,


    doesn’t work.
    I put the code in the quick css and the result is that the colored letters Google appear in the text beneath. see link in private.
    i removed the code
    site is live


    I put a media element behind the content element.



    glad you could solve it! Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.

    Best regards,

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