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  • #1206117

    Hi there

    I have a problem with gallegy pics:

    When I would like to place the pics with Styling of 300x300px, which is a quadrat I get all the pics in the row wirht but the dimensions change – no more quadrat…

    Can you help?

    the resolution is too low with 80x80px Styling
    when used as 300x300px it appears like this


    Hey salai_com,

    https://share.getcloudapp.com/8LujjAXJ I am seeing it like this. Is this not how you see it or how you want it?

    Best regards,


    In Enfold environment, when I change the size of a pic to be, e.g., 1030x1030px the pics are non quadratic their actuall size is shown, but smaller of course… and when I take 300x300px pics the pic-resolution is not so good…

    Thank you!



    Thank you for the update.

    You can increase the size of the medium thumbnail in the Settings > Media panel. Make sure that the uploaded images are actually larger than the specified dimensions. You will also have to regenerate the thumbnails or upload the image again after adjusting the thumbnail size. Please use the following plugin.

    // https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/

    Best regards,

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