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  • #1462854

    I have uploaded pictures on “medias” but the pictures are darker than the originals pictures ! And when I use it, it’s worse, the picture is blur (more more than the original). Beautiful photos become ugly :-(
    This pictures have been taken by a photographer. It’s very important to have the good color

    Could you help me to fix the problem ?

    Thanks for your help


    the browsers work with the s-RGB color profile – many photographers save their photos with adobe-RGB or ProPhoto RGB, sometimes even with 16bit per color channel.
    When you upload these images to the media library, they are treated as if they were s-RGB images. Embedded color profiles are not taken into account in browser rendering.

    Next: If you upload images from your professional digital camera without recalculating them for web use, most of them will be too large.
    Wordpress will first convert them to a size of 2560px – and use this as the source for the other image format calculations. – It is therefore better to do the web optimization yourself in a program of your choice.

    See a comparison :

    Allthough the ProPhoto RGB Color Room is much bigger than the sRGB – they will not be rendered in a correct way.


    Thanks for your return. What is the solution : open all the photos on photoshop and re-save each photo with RGB ? And didn’t use photoshop for a long time, it’s simply : RGB or another setting ?

    Ok for the size : understood :-)


    First try it with one photo that you have allready uploaded by which you notice the loss of quality described above (darker etc.)
    Open the image in Photoshop, reduce it to a maximum width of 1500px, for example, and save it as sRGB. Upload this image and compare it with the existing library image. If the image is much better, you can do the same for the rest of your photos.


    Ok, merci beaucoup pour votre aide, je vais essayer de cette façon !

    have a nice day :-D


    De rien. Comme je l’ai dit, ce n’est qu’une supposition, car cela m’est déjà arrivé. Je ne peux pas te dire si c’est lié. Mais cela vaut la peine de faire un test.


    thank for your help, i think it’s a good idea. It happens to me a long time ago too. I’ve forgotten ;-)


    Glad Guenni007 could help, thank you Guenni007, I agree that this is a color profile issue with your images and not an issue with the theme.

    Best regards,


    Hello Guenni and Mike,

    the solution works ! You can close this topic :-D

    Thank for your help.
    Best regards




    Thanks for the update, we’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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