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  • #1347978

    I have an issue with the responsiveness on our homepage. I switched out an image on a color section and now that section is no longer mobile responsive. It looks great on web view, but on mobile the background image is too enlarged and the text is being displayed vertically instead of horizontally. Seems the padding/margins are off as well as everything being zoomed in and displayed on center. The rest of the homepage is fine – but as this is the top image, I fear customers will click away:-(


    Hey bjerring65,

    You have a lot of padding added to that element:

    #homeheader .container {
        padding: 50px 250px 200px 200px !important;

    If you don’t want that to apply on mobile screens, then you can put it inside of a media query instead:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    #homeheader .container {
        padding: 50px 250px 200px 200px !important;

    Best regards,

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