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  • #843762

    I thought I would share this info to help others.
    I have seen where people have posted questions about why the theme has some issues on a report, etc.
    A lot of this has to do with the theme and plugin setup, etc.
    I took a website and cloned it and then installed it on different servers to see what would happen.
    You need to make sure your setup is a fit for your server.

    I ran the test on from on:
    Godaddy Managed WP: Bad Score
    Godaddy Linux Ultimate: Good Score
    Omnis Hosting: Good Score

    I quickly learned that matching your setup with the right server is important. Just because it is a managed wordpress hosting plan doesn’t mean it is better for your wordpress setup.

    Hopefully this helps or at least gives you something to consider.

    Best of luck!


    Hey Micheal0424,

    Thank you for using Enfold and for this info.

    Did you do the test after doing basic site optimization like installing cache plugins, script minification etc?

    Best regards,


    No, this was without cache plugins, etc.



    Alright. Thank you for the info. I’m sure it will help a lot of users. Happy holidays. :)

    Best regards,

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