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  • #1301061


    I would like to set the width of the content container to 77% instead of 1310px.

    Firstly, I want the font to always scale with the screen size and container size and, secondly, that the screen size is optimally used.

    Should I change the standard WordPress image sizes for this?
    For example, a larger maximum image, etc.?
    Are there any sample pages?
    I had read somewhere that you can specify this in functions.php.
    Do you have any tips on this?
    That would be great.

    Thank you in advance.


    Hey Knutnik,

    You can change the container size under Enfold->General Layout->Dimensions. I’m not sure I understand what you mean about images and fonts though, could you try to explain that a bit further please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    if I set the maximum container width to 77% instead of 1310px, do I then have to change the standard WordPress image sizes that are generated when the image is uploaded via an entry in the functions.php of the child theme.
    And if so, how?




    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure how the container width and image sizes are related? I would suggest that you try making the changes you want, if you run into any problem then we can try to help you out after that.

    Best regards,

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