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  • #730779

    I am creating a lead generation site and need to be able to pass my form fills to the lead wholesaler in a schematic structure via API. I’ve been Google’ing but can’t find out how to do this. I’d greatly appreciate someone’s help.

    The site I’m developing is http://www.marylandhvac.net

    The instructions I’ve been given are…

    Introduction In order to send leads, affiliates can pass a GET or POST to https://api.networx.com. For GET requests, string must use URL encoding (e.g. + must be %2B). Networx provides two ways to electronically send leads, ping/post and post. The ping/post method is used when the seller would like to first check if an opportunity to sell the lead exists. In this case, first submit the ping and get back the result with a token. If result is successful, seller can proceed to submit a post with the token. Type of Service Needed The following task IDs should be used: Network Task Name Task ID

    Ducts/Vents – Clean 20

    Radiant Floor Heating System – Install 36

    Radiant Floor Heating System – Repair 35

    Window A/C Unit Service Or Repair 363

    HVAC Boiler Install/Replace 24

    HVAC Boiler Repair/Service 25

    HVAC Central A/C – Install/Replace 27

    HVAC Central A/C – Repair/Service 26

    HVAC Ductless (mini-split) A/C Install 34

    HVAC Ductless (mini-split) A/C Service Or Repair 365

    HVAC Ducts/Vents – Install/Replace 19

    HVAC Electric Furnace – Install 435

    HVAC Electric Furnace – Repair 441

    HVAC Electrical Baseboard/Wall Heater – Install 32

    HVAC Electrical Baseboard/Wall Heater – Repair 33

    HVAC Gas Furnace – Install 437

    HVAC Gas Furnace – Repair 443

    HVAC Heat Pump Install 29

    HVAC Heat Pump Repair 30

    HVAC Humidifier/Dehumidifier – Install 373

    HVAC Humidifier/Dehumidifier – Repair 375

    HVAC Oil Furnace – Install 439

    HVAC Oil Furnace – Repair 445

    HVAC Propane Furnace – Install 447

    HVAC Propane Furnace – Repair 449

    HVAC Thermostat – Install/Replace 31

    Ping This section is optional, skip it if you want to just post directly. The following fields are required: nx_access_key Provided on the Affilite Information page nx_userId Provided on the Affiliate Information page zipcode Zip of lead task_id Task ID of lead (see below)

    Networx will respond to the ping with a HTTP response code as listed below. In addition will return an XML response:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <errorMessage>message here</errorMessage>
    <statusCode>response code here</statusCode>

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <token>token here</token>
    <price>price Networx will pay</price>
    <statusCode>response code here</statusCode>
    Post The following fields are required: nx_access_key Provided on the Affilite Information page nx_userId Provided on the Affiliate Information page f_name First name of lead l_name Last name of lead zipcode Zip of lead task_id Task ID of lead (see below) phone Primary phone of lead (must be 10 digits) email Email of lead

    The following fields are strongly recommended, but not required: comments Comments/Additional Info about the lead address The address of the lead custom_id Optional ID that you may send to reference the lead token Only use for ping/post method scan When leads task is not clear set to 1 Lead Response Our server will return one of the following HTTP response codes: 500 Internal server error 400 Bad request 200 Success 403 Access forbidden – invalid username/password/user ID combination

    The API will also return an xml response:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <errorMessage>message here</errorMessage>
    <statusCode>response code here</statusCode>

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <successCode>code here</successCode>
    <price>price Networx will pay</price>
    <statusCode>response code here</statusCode>
    Testing PLEASE USE ONLY ZIP CODE 00001 FOR ANY TESTING PURPOSES. That is our testing zip code. The use of any other zipcode will cause a live request to be sent through our system. Examples Here are some examples of sending a lead with a GET.

    https://api.networx.com?nx_userId=xxxx&nx_access_key=youraccesskey&task_id=15&zipcode=00001&f_name=john&l_name=smith&phone=8188188188&amp; (Email address hidden if logged out) &comments=testfromnetworx

    https://api.networx.com?nx_userId=xxxx&nx_access_key=youraccesskey&task_id=12&zipcode=00001&f_name=john&l_name=smith&phone=8188188188&amp; (Email address hidden if logged out) &comments=testfromnetworx

    Report Request The following fields are required: nx_access_key Provided on the Affilite Information page nx_userId Provided on the Affiliate Information page type report date_from YYYY-MM-DD date_to YYYY-MM-DD Report Response The API will return an xml response:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <lead_id>lead ID here</lead_id>
    <custom_id>custom ID here</custom_id>
    <created_at>date created CST</created_at>
    <error_msg>error message here</error_msg>
    <price>price here</price>
    <lead_id>lead ID here</lead_id>
    <custom_id>custom ID here</custom_id>
    <created_at>date created CST</created_at>
    <error_msg>error message here</error_msg>
    <price>price here</price>
    Inquiry Request The following fields are required: nx_access_key Provided on the Affilite Information page nx_userId Provided on the Affiliate Information page type inquiry name Company Name contact_name Contact Name phone Phone Number of the company zipcode Zip Code of the company networks Ids of Industries interested in

    The following fields are optional: email Email of the company user_comments Comments Inquiry Networks The following networks IDs should be used: Name ID Carpenters 20 Cleaning 11 Concrete 18 Drywall 25 Electricians 12 Exterminators 16 Fence 23 Floors 22 Garage-Doors 14 HVAC 10 Handyman 24 Landscaping 5 Painting 6 Plumbing 15 Remodeling 9 Roofing 8 Tile 19 Example Inquiry Request Here are some examples of sending an inquiry with a GET.


    Inquiry Response The API will return an xml response:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <errorMessage>error message here</errorMessage>
    <statusCode>response code here (ex. 400/500/403)</statusCode>

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <successCode>api response success id</successCode>
    <statusCode>response success code here (200) </statusCode>


    Hey Jon711b,

    Unfortunately it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However if its really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,

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