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  • #977837

    Hi there, i use the partner/logo element and suddenly it shows large white spaces above the logos. Using the inspect element reveals that the whitespaces seem to be duplicates with following divider class:

    slide-entry flex_column no_margin post-entry slide-entry-overview slide-loop-1 slide-parity-odd av_one_fourth first real-thumbnail

    The actual real images are labeled with following class:


    av in combination with fake is not really something i want to see on a business homepage. Please check that and see if there is an fix for that.

    Thanks in advancs



    Could you please post a link to your page so we can inspect it and provide an accurate solution? :)




    see access to the frontend in the private section.

    Thanks a lot!



    Logins did not work. Could you please check them once again?

    Best regards,


    Sorry for the late response, a bit busy at the moment.

    Password is correct, should work to pass by the .htaccess.

    Let me know if you also need access to the backend. I will have to setup a testenvironment.



    Thanks for that. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    #top .avia-logo-element-container .slide-entry {
        height: 0;

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    That doesn’t work. And even if it is not answering my question or solve the issue in general. It would be just a workaround. There is anything generating this output and calling it “fake”. Just not prefered for a buisness page…

    I will provide access to the backend in private.

    There are 2 other issues , i can post them separatee if you want:

    1. There are br tags generated which adding a huge spacing between avia containers. I don’t want to get them added by the engine. If i want space i can adjust it or add whitespaces. Link is below in the private section.

    2. The system changes itemtype information referencing to on every page. Why is that? And how can i remove that. I understand that it does not harm with proper SEO configuraytion, yet i don’t want to have it if it is not mandatory required. And i don’t see a functional requirement for that:



    Unfortunately there is no way to remove it – but we have already asked our development team to get hands on that as it is something we do want to fix it.
    They are working to provide specific updates.

    Best regards,

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