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  • #902263

    Hi Guys,

    So i have a set of partners all with different logos. Some a perfect square, some being more rectangular and so on.

    I don’t wish for them to be too large, however with with of them being a perfect square its impossible to rezise the others to be perfect squares too.

    is their an optimal way how to use this element which may help me


    Hey curmi01,

    I tried checking your page, however I only see white on the page and nothing else.

    Best regards,


    oh sorry for that Nikko should be fine now




    If you have an image editor it would be a good idea to create a square, for example 250×250 and add the logos within its center. This will make sure they are all even when viewed on the site.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    however some of my logos are very rectangular (large width) , therefore when i put them in a canvas size of 250×250 they become squashed?

    any ideas mate?




    No the idea is to basically put the image inside of a 250×250 container, just so they are all spaced the same.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    mhm i agree – however one of my logo comes squashed in a 250×250



    How wide is the logo? In that case perhaps keep height at 250 but extend the width to whatever is needed for it to keep proportion.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    will give it a go thanks



    Great! Please let us know the results.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hey Jordan,

    i think its looking pretty fine now



    Glad that it’s fixed. Thanks for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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