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  • #1022234


    In this post I asked about changing parent pages in bulk through a function:

    I got this code and the links are working right but the translation has a problem (I use WPML).
    See the example in private content. (IST 720)
    In the English version and Dutch version it works correct. In the German version ‘Medisch verpakken’ in the breadcrumb needs to be translated to the German page title of it which is ‘Medizinische verpackungen’. When I click on the link it navigates to the right German page but what I said earlier is the name is Dutch.

    Hope you guys can help.


    Hey (Email address hidden if logged out) ,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Try to update the post meta of the translated pages. This thread might help.


    Get the id of the translated pages based on the original page’s id.

    $translated_id = icl_object_id($article->ID, 'portfolio', false,ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE);
     if( $translated_id ) {
        update_post_meta($translated_id, 'breadcrumb_parent', 1980);


    Best regards,


    So if i’m understanding your comment I need to set the breadcrumbs again but with this as new function?

    function avia_add_all_breadcrumb_parent()
        $args = array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'any',  'post_type' => array('portfolio'), 
            'tax_query' => array(
                    'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_entries',
                    'field' => 'term_taxonomy_id',
                    'terms' => array(26, 25, 24)
        $articles = new WP_Query( $args );
    	$translated_id = icl_object_id($article->ID, 'portfolio', false,ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE);
     if( $translated_id ) {
        update_post_meta($translated_id, 'breadcrumb_parent', 1980);


    Yes, that is it. Is it working?

    Best regards,


    No it doesn’t work.
    Is there an option to set the breadcrumb parent for a portfolio-item in the main language and it automatically understands it for the other languages?

    Like in main language english:
    Portfolio-item = Coffee
    Breadcrumb-parent = Species

    After setting the breadcrumb parent Species for Coffee the system needs to understand to do this for the other languages too.
    Like when set in English as above it automatically understands the translations like:
    Portfolio-item translation = Koffie (translation of Coffee)
    Breadcrumb-parent translation = Soorten (translation of page Species)

    If there is a solution for this I only have to set the breadcrumb parent once for each portfolio-item

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Jarmo.

    I found this thread as solution myself:

    I need to make a change in the following file: wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-breadcrumb.php
    I want to make this change into my child theme but then it won’t work.
    My child theme folders are like this: wp-content/themes/enfold-child/framework/php/class-breadcrumb.php

    I made the change in class-breadcrumb.php but this doesn’t have any effect.
    How can I make the right change through my child theme?



    You can keep the modification in the parent theme for now. I’ll push this thread to the dev team so that they can include that filter in the next patch.

    Best regards,


    Alright thanks! I will take a look at the logs when the next patch is available!



    Alright. Please open a new thread if you need anything else. We’ll close this one now.

    Best regards,

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