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  • #1132740

    Hallo, ich benütze für meine Kunden nur das Theme Enfold, leider funktioniert die Parallaxe nicht auf den mobilen Geräten. Gibt es hierzu eine Lösung?
    Für eine Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar.


    the theme Enfold for my clients, unfortunately the parallax does not work on mobile devices. Is there a solution for this?
    For a help, I would be very grateful.



    Vielen Danke, Sie dass Enfold verwenden.

    Parallax effect is actually disabled on mobile devices. The background will become static on mobile view.

    Best regards,


    Hi, is that changed? I have seen it on other side schond, since the parallax works on mobile devices.



    Thank you for the update.

    No, the behavior of the parallax effect is still the same. It is still disabled on mobile devices. We can enable it but it will still not work properly. Besides, having a parallax effect on small devices is NOT recommended because it decreases performance or slows down the page.

    Best regards,

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