Hi, I’m a bit confused, I see that in the Enfold 2017 demo the parallax effects work by emulating the phone with Chrome, and not with a real phone. While I’m on my site with Chrome emulation they don’t work.
The question is, were parallax effects implemented over the phone? I hope so..
If yes, could you tell me how to activate them?
Hey DarioZurlo,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Parallax effect is disabled on mobile view by default. It only works on a browser emulation because the script that we are using can only detect actual mobile devices. The script can be found in the js > shortcodes.js file, around line 260 inside the AviaParallaxElement function, you will find this code.
var _self = this;
return; //disable parallax scrolling on mobile
Best regards,
Ok so can I enable it by giving this code to my technician?
Thank you for the update.
Yes, you can remove the following lines to enable the effect on mobile devices but it might return unexpected results, or create issues with image sizes and background transition.
return; //disable parallax scrolling on mobile
Best regards,
Hi, my technician has searched and says he can’t find the one written, could you tell us where to find it? If you need access let me know.
The code is in the js > shortcodes.js file, within the AviaParallaxElement function. Make sure that the site is using the latest version, If you need to modify or extend the parallax function, please hire a third party developer, or contact our partner, Codeable.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,