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  • #786082

    Hey guys,

    Is there a simple CSS function to create a parallax scrolling effect on the homepage of my site? after the chevron arrow. So when you scroll down, the text and chevron remains in the same spot, but the masonry grid portfolio comes up.

    PW: (In private content)

    Thank you,


    Hey ccyran,

    May you specify the effect that you want?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hey John,

    Thanks for the quick response! To specify:

    On my homepage, I currently have a short intro then a chevron icon. Below is the masonry portfolio.

    I want to create the parallax effect where these two elements stay in place, but when the visitor scrolls down, the masonry portfolio appears, and the chevron goes away.

    Let me know if that makes sense, thanks!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by ccyran.


    you could work with a color section where you insert a custom background image, to be able to produce parallax effect. But not sure if that’s really what you want to achieve. Without an example of the result, it’s quite difficult to imagine what you mean. However, there is no easy way to achieve parallax effect wherever you want on your website. Maybe there is a plugin out there for you with such a function, but have never heard of any one like this to be honest.

    Best regards,



    I see. I’ll give it a try with a color section.




    Please keep us updated if you still need anything else from us.
    Thank you

    Best regards,


    Will do! Appreciate it.

    I should be good on this for now. I did have another ask but Im not sure if I should make another thread. So here’s the ask below…

    Is there a way using CSS to make the Chevron arrow fade away as the user scrolls down?

    Thanks again guys!



    It’s not possible with css, you will need to use javascript or jquery to do that one.

    Best regards,


    Hey Nikko, got it!

    Thanks guys!

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