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  • #1438019

    Hey there,

    I love the parallax Column animation and I uses it a lot.
    I was just wondering If its possible to fix one thing that annoys me a bit:
    after the “Bottom to top” animated Columns, there stays this big hole where nothing happens.
    How can I avoid that ?

    In this Example in the private section, at the bottom after the Devices, before “auch nice” there is this big gap.

    Thanks in advance


    Hey Monika,
    Thanks for the link to your page but I don’t find “auch nice” or a large gap, is this only on certain screen sizes? Do you mean the “Was haben wir gemacht?” section?
    Typically with parallax you also need to use negative margins for the items up more so as the top items more up they show the item under.
    Give this a try and if you use the duplicate feature and create a test page with an admin login we can demonstrate how the negative margin could help.
    Perhaps a screenshot would help us know where the gap is.

    Best regards,

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